Monday, July 18, 2011

500 Lovemaking Tips & Secrets

In addition to the hundreds of ideas, 500 Lovemaking Tips & Secrets also includes a section of the 10 Most Common Lovemaking Positions (and 6 more for the adventurous and athletic) along with explanations of the benefits of each one, and a Lubrication Guide that gives you the pros and cons of those on the market.
Yes, there will be tips and suggestions if you will be making love for the very first time. Likewise, you will find discover amazing new techniques even if you are the most seasoned lover.

There are many tips and creative suggestions on performing the most incredible oral sex that will drive your partner absolutely insane. I'll share special places and ways to touch, tickle, stroke and lick that most people never, ever think of. You will discover which moves and positions are the best for the opposite sex. Find out which ones allow for the deepest penetration and which ones are fantastic for g-spot and clitoral stimulation.
You can learn more by reading this material than it takes most people dozens of years (and often dozens of partners) to learn. You can read it in the privacy of your own home or office. Best of all, 500 Lovemaking Tips & Secrets was written by a relationship expert who knows that just because it feels good or is exciting doesn't means it is good for you. It is advice you can trust completely.
Here are just a few of the tips you will enjoy in 500 Lovemaking Tips & Secrets:
  • An item in the frozen food section that will send shivers up and down your mates body in a very surprising way
  • Something in your toiletry bag which doubles as an amazing lovemaking toy
  • 2 novel ways to use mirrors in lovemaking that you probably never heard of
  • Find out what month is a guy's testosterone peak
  • A great way to invigorate someone who is too tired for sex
  • What colored light bulbs will intensify orgasms
  • How to get firmer erections and prevent premature ejaculation without medicines
  • The two things done in combination that will blow his mind
  • A sexy lubrication tip that will have him begging for it each time
  • What food and drink you should avoid the 24 hours before making love to avoid unpleasant odors
  • One simple trick to make your wife scream in delight like never before
  • Which smells can instantly increase penile blood flow by up to 40%
  • Where and how to touch your guy when he is about to orgasm that will have him explode like a firecracker (even he probably doesn't know this trick)
  • Ways to use your mouth on her that will drive her absolutely wild
  • Something to do with your hands when you are entering her that will excite her even more

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